The Black Warrior Trend includes the historic Black Warrior, Old Gold, Silver Leaf and Edna & Grace C prospects. These silver-lead-zinc+/-gold+/- copper replacements occur at high elevations over a total linear distance of approximately 6km. While they may occur all or in-part on third party-owned tenures, most of the trend, which is open to the southeast and to the northwest, is on Red Pony claims and remains very prospective.
Along the Badshot Trend, occurrences of stratabound replacement mineralization and polymetallic vein mineralization are known. An example of the latter is the Edna and Grace C prospect; it consists of disseminated galena and a 0.15m seam of tetrahedrite in white quartz. Samples of mineralized float graded from 2.48-12.0 g/t gold, 610-1618 g/t silver, 5.75-11.18% lead, 1.32-4.37% zinc and 0.26-4.37% copper. Follow-up work on this impressive mineralization is planned.
Central Black Warrior Trend with Historic Geochem compilations by element:
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- Historic rock samples along the Badshot Trend grade include the Glengarry prospect with samples containing up to 1768 g/t silver and 69.5% lead.
- The Black Warrior trend contains anomalous gold values in quart-sulphide veins Highlights near the Old Gold prospect include: sample RMK8113 with 4.56 g/t gold, 112 g/t silver, and 29.4% zinc; sample RMK8121 with 0.66 g/t gold, 12,147g/t silver, and 10.7% Cu. Historic rocks from the Edna and Grace showing 2km to the southeast returned values of 6 g/t gold, 649.4 g/t silver and 4.9% zinc.
Northern Trout Lake Property Black Warrior & Badshot Trends with Historic Geochem compilations by element:
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